Oxidative stability of yoghurts fortified with lyophilized purslane throughout storage

yoghurt, Lyophilization, Purslane, Oxidative stabilityAbstract
One of the primary problems of the dairy industry is providing oxidatively stable yoghurts throughout storage. Fortifying yoghurts with antioxidants or foods with antioxidant qualities could be a technique for enhancing oxidative stability and extending shelf life of yoghurts. The goal of this research is to produce yoghurts fortified with lyophilized purslane in order to improve the oxidative characteristics of the yoghurt and to prolong the shelf life of the end product. For this purpose, eight different yoghurt samples were fermented by considering the lyophilized purslane concentration (0.25-0.5%) and storage time (0-7-14-21 days) as processing parameters. Some oxidative properties of yoghurt samples including peroxide value, malondialdehyde content and p-anisidine value were determined. The data were statistically analyzed by Analysis of Variance. The peroxide values of the yoghurts were improved by the addition of lyophilized purslane. The malondialdehyde content of fortified yoghurts were in the range of 0.86-6.02 μg MDA/g. The presence of lyophilized purslane slightly decreased the p-anisidine value of yoghurt samples. Statistical results showed that storage time was the most important factor affecting oxidative stability of samples during storage. In order to ensure desired oxidative stability characteristics, the lyophilized purslane fortified yoghurt fermentation and storage parameters were established to be 0.5% lyophilized purslane ratio and 7 days of storage. The production of yoghurts enriched by lyophilized purslane is a promising technique that can improve oxidative stabilty of yoghurts.
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